Harris Miller wore a dark suit and red tie. He was accompanied by his wife Deborah and an aide. He began his talk by going over the basics of why he was poised to beat George Allen. He emphasized Allen as a Bush - man who voted with Bush 96% of the time. Miller let us know that he would refocus priorities in Washington and do some original thinking to fix tough problems.
Miller was very happy to answer questions and probably stayed later than he had intended. He received several tough questions on immigration and offshore outsourcing of American jobs. I do not think Miller said anything that can not be found on his website: http://www.miller2006.org/
What is even more interesting, to me, than Miller speech, was the conversation among the 13 attendees. After Miller left we gathered together to compare Webb and Miller and to consider who we should endorse. At the end of the discussion, we concluded that we had not heard enough to be able to fully endorse either man. We left with the resolve that we would make efforts to demand more information and educate our fellow citizens about both candidate as well as when and where they should vote.
The discussion on candidates was centered on two main questions:
- Is electability important?
- What are the key issues for the campaign?
While many of us agreed that electability is important, we did not want to make the same mistakes over again. We all agreed that we want a candidate who is passionate and will stand up for progressive issues. We also agreed that there is just nmot enough information on either candidate, at this point, to say who is electable. The question of electability is further complicated by the diversity of the state of Virginia.
As a group, we created a list of issues that we not only believed would be important in the campaigns but also would like to know more on candidates positions:
- Second amemndment policy differences
- Infastructure development
- Transportation
- Immigration
- Iraq
- Terrorism - what is the strategy
- Gays in the Military
- A full position Statement on Education
We all agreed that it would indeed be very bad for Virginia if George Allen were to win. We lamented that we had not yet received a clear or complete position on how education issues, in particular No Child Left Behind, will be addressed.
We concluded the meeting by deciding to emphasize the need for candidates to show unity and to not defame each other. We believe that it is up to us to demand a good race. We are concerned that democratic condidates are not very disciplined and have, in the past, hurt chances of replacing Republican seats because of the damage done during primary campaigns. We can not let infighting split the vote. We want candidates to answer more questions and have good, clean, family discussions.
We, the members of Arlington/Alexandira for Democracy want to get Allen out of office. We also want to support candidats who will support our progressive views. We do not yet have enough information of what issues will be central to the campagn, but we are very aware of the ignorance of our friends, family, and coworkers to the fact that a campaign is even underway! We are resolved to tell people about the race and perhaps more importantly when to vote.
the Primary is June 13th
if you are not sure where to vote or if you are not registered, please visit this site: http://www.arlingtonva.us/departments/VoterRegistration/
if you are not sure where to vote or if you are not registed, please visit this site: http://www.alexandriavoter.org/