Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Do NOT Pardon President Bush

I have been alerted to yet another political action where you can do something to make a difference. Within minutes, you can do something to help promote the values that are the basis of our current sense of freedom.

Apparently, according to an email from MoveOn.org, Republicans in Senate are planning to have a vote on a bill that would PARDON President Bush for his choice to pursue illegal wire-tapping.

We have laws in place that allow cops/FBI/CIA to wire tap phones without a warrent, with the condition that these same groups get a warrent within three days, otherwise the information gained would be inadmissable.

We can not let the President get away with his choice to overlook existing laws. He is not above the law.

The President must not be pardoned. No one is above the law. The President must be held accountable. The President should be a role model for lawfulness, he should be an advocate for indivual rights and due proces--the bedrock of our constitution!

If you agree that we must make a statement and stop such a vote, please sign the petition started by MoveOn.org.

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