Sunday, March 30, 2008

Obama for America Office Grand Opening in DuBois, PA

On March 28, 2008, over 50 people came out to show their support for Sen. Barack Obama at the Grand Opening of the DuBois Office!

Several statements were made by the field organizer, the regional coordinator, and a 5th District Delegate for Obama, as well as by several active volunteers and members of Democratic groups . They each shared information on how people can get involved as well as why they personally became active.

Jody G., a Clearfield resident and Obama volunteer, said that she supports Obama because she wants a better life for her grandkids. Mary V, a 5th District Delegate, said that she supports Obama because through him she found new hope for the future.

We were also joined by 5th district candidate Mark McCracken, a public supporter of Sen. Obama!

Getting out and seeing the people who share your values is always an positive experience.
This is a mainly Republican area, but the Democrats made a big show for Obama at our Grand Opening!

The campaign has come deep into the PA Wilds because Sen. Obama understands that rural PA has a voice. For the first time in nearly 30 years, the people of PA matter in the Democratic Presidential Primary. And, not just the people of urban PA, but the people in RURAL PA!!

It is a very exciting time.

If you live in Jefferson or Clearfield County, I hope you will consider volunteering.

Get out the Hope and Get out the Vote!

There are several ways to volunteer. And Obama's website has many bits of advice to get you started on your own grassroots campaign to put Obama in the White House!

First, you can sign up to be a neighborhood team leader.
Go to the PA home page for the Campaign.
and join the PA Neighborhood Teams

As a Neighborhood Team member, you will have access to lists of potential Obama Supports.
First we identify the Obama supporters, and then we make sure they get out to vote.

Secondly, you can come to where the action is! In the office and in the neighborhoods!
Join us in the office, where you can volunteer by helping out in the office, canvasing door-to-door, and by hosting out-of-state volunteers.

Finally, you can spread the word by being a public supporter.
If you are the social type, you may want to host a house party either to Fund Raise for Obama for America or to educate your undecided or leaning Obama friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, peers, gym buddies, etc. There is no reason not to do both at once!
Remind people they can help by spreading the word and telling the people they know why they support Obama for America!

If you are a member of a religious or social club, you may want to ask for time to talk to your group about Obama. Of course, people supporting other candidates should also be welcomed to speak.
Just wear your pin and show your support and people will talk to you, hopefully with honest questions!

Many people want the yard signs, which can be hard to come by.
If you are interested, you can support the campaign by purchasing your own yard sign.

Contact the Obama for America DuBois, PA office for more details on opportunities to volunteer:

11 N. Brady Street
DuBois, PA
(across from Lugi's)

Email Mike, the field organizer: Mreynertson(AT)
or Ryan :

Call Mike or Ryan: 320-293-5531

Enjoy Photos of the Grand Opening!

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