How do we change the world we see everyday?
Do we change it by drawing onto it the vision that pleases us most?
I watched a little girl and her father draw this sidewalk masterpiece at John Aaron's Chalk for Peace Center during Clarendon Days Oct. 2005.You may not be able to see it here, but the little girl drew the planet earth with people standing all along the outer circle of it, and people standing inside, people all around.
I wondered if this was a vision of the connected-ness of all people. We are one. What I do influences others.While we may be encouraged to believe that we are alone and that we must live to serve our own interests, this way of being will eventually be impeded by an awareness that what others do impacts me and therefore what I do impacts others. While caught in a perception of self as isolated and alone we may long for the connections we can make with friends, family, animals, plants.....chalk on pavement....we make a mark on the world and feel confident we can make change and that it will be harmonious to others as well.
If we are to be happy, we need to begin with out perception of connectedness. If we are to expect our society to serve the PUBLIC GOOD and maintain an equilibrium between the actions of people so that no one infringes on the another person's right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness then each of us has a responsibility to engage in democratic processes. To vote, to be attentive to policy, to encourage DEBATE and DIALOGUE, to pick up the chalk and express out own will and to encourage others to do the same: this is how we change the world!?
This, and a little more....
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