Friday, May 26, 2006

S.B. 1955 HIMMAA defeated

What is it that I do..? I guess I really do not do much, not much that makes a difference to anyone...or maybe I just do not see it?

The S.B. 1955 Health Insurance Marketplace Modernization and Affordability Act was defeated!!

I would like to think that writing letters to my representatives made a difference, but they were likely not too influential...maybe a drop in the hat. Really, there is no way to tell, is there...unles maybe I were to make appointments with my Senators and ask them if mail from constituents made a difference or at least was a variable in their decision making process.

There are many organizations out there that exist to help inform votes, to serve as a gateway to make voters and link them into the system. In past blogs I discussed like and other political action committees like Democracy for America.

Then there are organizations like that serve as a portal to link people into bills in the House and Senate and that also help people to immediately discover who their representatives are by entering a zip code.

But what are these things, what is the point of them if no one is using them? I wonder who uses can use them...I use them...I hope this is a habit I can keep.

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