Acts of kindness, support, sympathy are ways to cultivate joy in not only our own lives, but also in the lives of others.
A smile, a kind word, a tender pat on the shoulder, or a hug are some of the acts that can change some one's day by offering hope.
If a person believes that people are negative, sad, or unfeeling, and that belief is often reinforced by the people they meet...then that person needs to meet new people. Wouldn't it feel wonderful to be the person who helps dispel the belief and encourages someone to believe that people are, or at least can be, positive, happy, and thoughtfully warm.
I was very inspired to see this video on YouTube about a free hugs campaign started by Juan Mann in Australia. Please watch the video and see this incredible man standing in an open mall and holding up a sign, which reads, in big black letters, FREE HUGS.
What makes the videography so inspiring, to me, is the support Juan Mann garners. As you watch, you see how he invites people to take him up on his offer. First, you see people hug him and then later you see people take his sign and begin to offer free hugs to others. Eventually, you see people running up and falling into another person's arms.
Midway through the video you see a policeman come up to Juan; although there are no words and only a soundtrack, you get the idea that he is being asked to stop. Soon after you see him with a petition and then others with petitions and postings of how many signatures they get until they reach the goal.
I am not sure why public officials would have wanted to ban a free hugs campaign. The website www.freehugscampaign.org is currently not available, which I thought was surprising, considering the video on YouTube was posted on September 6, 2006.
An update from Juan Mann on YouTube encourages people to also check out the Free Help Campaign where people can post a message about their desire to offer help and also post their desire to receive help. This initiative was inspired by Oprah's Greatest Giveaway Ever.
I read through some of the the postings from those who would like to be help. The variety is amazing--a woman who needs help moving her entire house to a young girl who wants a friend to a man who wants help on getting a loan.
Many people offering help are offering a caring ear to listen. Some people are offering financial advice or help finding a job or applying to college. Another person was giving away free furniture and yet another was offering to help people in his community to clean gutters.
Local to global--these are people who want to nurture others or people who acknowledge that they need nurtured.
The Free Hugs campaign has expanded into a global movement. I have seen YouTube videos of people offering free hugs in Japan, Italy, and Korea.
I have found other sites dedicated to similar Free Hugs campaigns. One, Free-Hugs is a company whose mission is to spread kindness and uplift the human spirit. The founder, Jason Hunter of Atlanta, was apparently the inspiration for Juan Mann's Australian movement. I finally uncovered this relationship in a press clip on the Free-Hug website as originally posted byHartsvilleToday.com on Oct. 24, 2006.
The history of Free-Hugs is dedicated to the memory of Hunter's mother, who he described as a woman whose purpose was to be the person who always had a kind word, a smile, a hug.
Free-Hugs sells t-shirts and jerseys. A school curriculum in on the way for Spring 2007.
We can join in to the FreeHugs campaign by just offering smiles, warm words, and HUGS to friends, family, and coworkers....and so many more people who we believe need it and who can accept it. You can also check out these sites, watch the videos, and buy the shirts. It is a beautiful message to express-empathy! Acknowledge and recognize people as you pass them by...it can be exhausting in a city, but it is worth it when you have the energy to share it for it will enliven you and inspire you to share positive energy and warmth. Spread the message, people can be good and caring and helpful and you are one of those people.
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