As you may have noticed, presidential candidates are starting to make a show. Some potential candidates have merely started their exploratory committees. Others have gone so far as to announce to a late night news audience that they were indeed running for office. Still others have set up the fan fare and announced with a large rally of supporters cheering them on!
Now is a good time to start chatting about the next President with your friends and neighbors.
Now is a good time to start letting people know where you stand on important issues and letting them know who you would support for President.
Before you start any conversation, you may want to prepare yourself with a few facts on candidates so you are ready to make the best case possible for your candidate. Luckily, there are many helpful resources to simplify your investigation!
You may want to check out a few websites to see how different candidates are doing in the polls or what is being said about them in the news. I am partial to major news networks like CNN, but I also check out Fox and MSNBC as well as the Washington Post to try to get multiple perspectives. You may also want to search for your candidate using technorati, a blog search engine.
If you would like to be able to get a line on the what people are thinking without having it cherry picked by reporters, then you can also look into web sites dedicated to showing you the latest in polling data, such as the Gallup Poll, Zogby, or the PollingReport.com. Please keep in mind that the results of surveys are greatly influenced by the questions that are asked. Surveys can still be biased because people are biased. How the data is presented has still been hand selected, to an extent. Even though the surveys feel more honest without the trappings of analysis, you should still check multiple sources to have a sense of what it 'true.'
I have found web sites such as Politics1 and Politico.com to make inquiry into the 2008 Presidential race easy because they not only have a current list of who is running, as well as who is planning to run or being pressured to run, but also they provide links to biographical information for each candidate, so you can immediately get the goods on any candidate or hopeful.
Being a part of a political campaign is like watching history happen while you are making it happen. If you are fascinated by the history of elections and are interested in comparing the current campaign to last elections, for the sake of even more engaging conversations if not your own curiosity, please check out HistoryCentral.com
The November 2006 election showed us that a few votes can make a difference! Webb (VA-D) won his seat by a slim margin, and changed the balance of power in the Senate! People calling and going door to door to bring out the voters made the difference. We can do that again!
If you are ready to make change happen in America, please know that you can help make the change you hope for possible. Little by little, day by day, you can help make America the utopia we all what it to be! Get active in the coming political race. It may seem far away for you as a voter, but as a supporter and as a citizen, it started long ago.
Research the candidates. Talk about the candidates. Show your support!
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