Sunday, March 30, 2008
Obama for America Office Grand Opening in DuBois, PA
Several statements were made by the field organizer, the regional coordinator, and a 5th District Delegate for Obama, as well as by several active volunteers and members of Democratic groups . They each shared information on how people can get involved as well as why they personally became active.
Jody G., a Clearfield resident and Obama volunteer, said that she supports Obama because she wants a better life for her grandkids. Mary V, a 5th District Delegate, said that she supports Obama because through him she found new hope for the future.
We were also joined by 5th district candidate Mark McCracken, a public supporter of Sen. Obama!
Getting out and seeing the people who share your values is always an positive experience.
This is a mainly Republican area, but the Democrats made a big show for Obama at our Grand Opening!
The campaign has come deep into the PA Wilds because Sen. Obama understands that rural PA has a voice. For the first time in nearly 30 years, the people of PA matter in the Democratic Presidential Primary. And, not just the people of urban PA, but the people in RURAL PA!!
It is a very exciting time.
If you live in Jefferson or Clearfield County, I hope you will consider volunteering.
Get out the Hope and Get out the Vote!
There are several ways to volunteer. And Obama's website has many bits of advice to get you started on your own grassroots campaign to put Obama in the White House!
First, you can sign up to be a neighborhood team leader.
Go to the PA home page for the Campaign.
and join the PA Neighborhood Teams
As a Neighborhood Team member, you will have access to lists of potential Obama Supports.
First we identify the Obama supporters, and then we make sure they get out to vote.
Secondly, you can come to where the action is! In the office and in the neighborhoods!
Join us in the office, where you can volunteer by helping out in the office, canvasing door-to-door, and by hosting out-of-state volunteers.
Finally, you can spread the word by being a public supporter.
If you are the social type, you may want to host a house party either to Fund Raise for Obama for America or to educate your undecided or leaning Obama friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, peers, gym buddies, etc. There is no reason not to do both at once!
Remind people they can help by spreading the word and telling the people they know why they support Obama for America!
If you are a member of a religious or social club, you may want to ask for time to talk to your group about Obama. Of course, people supporting other candidates should also be welcomed to speak. Just wear your pin and show your support and people will talk to you, hopefully with honest questions!
Many people want the yard signs, which can be hard to come by.
If you are interested, you can support the campaign by purchasing your own yard sign.
Contact the Obama for America DuBois, PA office for more details on opportunities to volunteer:
11 N. Brady Street
DuBois, PA
(across from Lugi's)
Email Mike, the field organizer: Mreynertson(AT)
or Ryan :
Call Mike or Ryan: 320-293-5531
Enjoy Photos of the Grand Opening!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Summary: New Priorities Vigil in Dubois, PA

Last Wednesday a group of six dedicated individuals stood in the rain beside Liberty Blvd. in Dubois, Pennsylvania, to acknowledge that it has been FIVE LONG YEARS since the United States entered Iraq.
We were met with honks of support!
A photographer from the local paper, the Courier Express said that we were newsworthy because we were standing in the rain. The photo from the paper is to the right ->
What a shame, to only be newsworthy because we stood in the rain.
Is it not newsworthy that people in this rural, republican area are coming out into the open to make their voices heard, to say that war is not something we should stay in just to save face? That there are lives at stake, the dear lives of our loved ones?
At the Vigil, we talked about the need to find people in our sparse area who think the way that we do. We know YOU are out there...we know that you might feel silenced by the voices around you who speak in a manner so differently from how you think and what you value. There are ways we can come together through and Democracy for America's PA for Democracy. Check them out. Please also respond to this blog!
In the days that followed, I was surprised how many co-workers and neighbors told me they shared my view. We are tired of this war.
We want to support our troops by bringing them home!
We want a candidate who will not rush us into war!
We will meet again, myself and the dedicated five who stood in the rain, on April 18th at the Penn State Dubois campus where the Eyes Wide Open Exhibit will be displayed from 10am-6pm.
The evening will close with a candlelight vigil from 6pm-8pm.
I hope you can join us.
The exhibit was created by the American Friends Service Committee. It visually portrays the human cost of war.
Will you join us?
Saturday, March 15, 2008
New Priorities Candlelight Vigil in Dubois
New Priorities Candlelight Vigil in Dubois
Please join us in a solemn and respectful vigil where we honor the soldiers and send a message to our leaders that we must bear in mind the human cost of war as well as its impact on our economy. It is time to set new priorities!
Liberty Blvd. & Parkway Drive
Memorial Park
Wednesday 19 March
We will stand vigil from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. in a public park. It is handicap accessible.
You can find metered parking off Parkway Drive.
Go Here to Register:
If you are planning to attend, please bring signs and/or candles.
If you bring candles, do something to help keep the wax from dripping.
You may want to bring votive candles with holders, use wax-based paper cups, or use tapered candles with a cupcake wrappers slid over them (just put a hole through the wrapper. has developed an array of signs you can either print out or use as inspiration as you develop your own.
- "Keep 'Em Safe / Bring 'Em Home": Color and black and white signs to display at the vigil.
Try printing out different sizes, and let people choose which ones to hold.
- One-page (8x11) black and white | color
- Two-page black and white | color
- Large (20x16) black and white | color
- "Invest in America" signs - Big signs color and 16x20 inches
- "Invest in America" Full Color signs 8.5x11 inches
- "Invest in America" 2-color signs 8.5x11 inches (print these if you have a black and white printer)
Monday, March 10, 2008
2008 PA Primary – Obama, Governance, and Responsibility
Vote on APRIL 22 in the Pennsylvania Primary for Senator Barack Obama.
If you are not interested in politics, you really should be.
If you are interested, you need to educate yourself about candidates and you need to vote!
We live in a democratic republic. Each citizen has a voice in selecting a representative government. This government is keep in check by a separation of church and state, a system of checks and balances between governing bodies (Presidential, Congressional, Judicial), and the ability of the people to select leaders as well as our right to impeach people who are not doing their jobs!
And what is their job?
It is the job of all politicians to serve the will of the people.
We are many, and we are diverse. It is the burden of our elected officials to mediate the many needs and wants of the people against what is possible. In the end, they should do what will maximize the public good. What will serve the interests of the most people in the most efficient manner?
Unfortunately, we have seen the rise of government that serves the needs of the few, the corporations. Since the 1970s, out of our fear of a folding economy, our leaders removed restrictions from businesses. The invisible hand of the market was supposed to maximize profits as well as maximize the public good. What has trickled down? Nothing. Nothing but higher payments and less return for what we pay in taxes!
We need to see tax fairness. We need a business that is regulated to serve the common good. We need to rebuild our infrastructure, educate our children, and regain our image as a peace keeper.
You can help make it all happen by exercising your right.
You can make a change happen in America by fulfilling your responsibility to participate in government.
You must be a registered Democrat to vote for Senator Obama in the PA Primary on April 22.
Independents can not vote in the PA primary.
It is a shame, and perhaps an injustice...but it is a fact that we must deal with. If you are an INDEPENDENT please re-register to vote for Obama on April 22.
If you have never voted before, please register now and make a difference.
We have a chance to make history in Pennsylvania. A chance to show that the rural areas as well as the urban areas are ready for a change toward grassroots activism and progressive governance!
You must REGISTER as a Democrat 30 days before the primary in order to vote.
Register by MARCH 24!
A Voter Registration Form:
PA Voting Information:
1) Complete an online form.
2) Print it out, sign it, and mail it in before March 24th!
Registering online sends counties an electronic record of each registration, but it
doesn't register the application.
If you will not be in your voting precinct on April 22, you must apply for an ABSENTEE BALLOT by April 15.
Absentee Ballot Application:
The County Boards of Election must receive civilian absentee ballots by April 18!
Absentee Voting Information:
Vote on APRIL 22 in the Pennsylvania Primary for Senator Barack Obama.
Show the world that Pennsylvania is ready to turn the page and write a new chapter in the history of nation, one of involvement, one of patriotism, one where civil liberties are respected, and one where innovation and business serve the common, collective interests of the people!
Keeping in touch with Politics: 5th District Congressional Seat in PA

I find it so hard to find information on our local elections. Why is that?
I will save that rant for another day.
If you don't already know, Rep. John Peterson (R) is retiring for personal reasons.
There are three democrats and five republicans looking to take his place.
For now, I would like to tell you about a site that is making is much easier to follow the race for the 5th District Congressional Seat.
The Centre Daily Times has a whole page dedicated to continuous articles about the race.
Please note that there is one story with brief details from each nominee (Republican and Democrat alike) on economic development in the region.
I also like to check for things on the Keystone Politics page, where several nominees have posted blogs.
You can also access a variety of candidates web sites through
We must go out of our ways to educate ourselves.
We must make ourselves informed voters.
I hope this information helps you make your decisions.