Last Wednesday a group of six dedicated individuals stood in the rain beside Liberty Blvd. in Dubois, Pennsylvania, to acknowledge that it has been FIVE LONG YEARS since the United States entered Iraq.
We were met with honks of support!
A photographer from the local paper, the Courier Express said that we were newsworthy because we were standing in the rain. The photo from the paper is to the right ->
What a shame, to only be newsworthy because we stood in the rain.
Is it not newsworthy that people in this rural, republican area are coming out into the open to make their voices heard, to say that war is not something we should stay in just to save face? That there are lives at stake, the dear lives of our loved ones?
At the Vigil, we talked about the need to find people in our sparse area who think the way that we do. We know YOU are out there...we know that you might feel silenced by the voices around you who speak in a manner so differently from how you think and what you value. There are ways we can come together through MoveON.org and Democracy for America's PA for Democracy. Check them out. Please also respond to this blog!
In the days that followed, I was surprised how many co-workers and neighbors told me they shared my view. We are tired of this war.
We want to support our troops by bringing them home!
We want a candidate who will not rush us into war!
We will meet again, myself and the dedicated five who stood in the rain, on April 18th at the Penn State Dubois campus where the Eyes Wide Open Exhibit will be displayed from 10am-6pm.
The evening will close with a candlelight vigil from 6pm-8pm.
I hope you can join us.
The exhibit was created by the American Friends Service Committee. It visually portrays the human cost of war.
Will you join us?
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